Facts about Chocolate Chip Cookies
It’s National Chocolate Chip Day, Sunday 15th May! One of our favourite things here at Angelic is the delicious aroma of freshly baked allergy-free Chocolate Chip Cookies!
Will my child outgrow their allergies?
My son has had his food allergies since before his first birthday, and I often wonder will he outgrow them?
Living with Food Allergies & Vegan Food
Living with Food Allergies & Vegan Food I’m sure many of you would agree that the rise of vegan foods have given us more choice with our food, however there’s also a very serious consideration- is vegan food safe for those living with allergies? Our delicious allergen free snacks are suitable for both those living […]
Gifting Vegan chocolate
Gifting Vegan chocolate The only thing better than one vegan chocolate cookie is two (or maybe three…), so why not go all out and treat yourself or your besties to our scrumptious cookie bundle! Here at Angelic we love to share gifts (and receive them to…), and have created our chocolate cookie bundle for cookie […]
Allergy Free Lunch Ideas
Allergy Free Lunch Ideas Making a nutritious and healthy lunch that doesn’t take too much time is demanding enough, but when you need to make an allergy free lunch that caters for multiple allergies in the household it can be quite a challenge! With an increase in food allergies, so many families are having to […]
Living with a Dairy & Soya Allergy
Living with a Dairy & Soya Allergy When your kid develops a food allergy at a young age, it can often be quite tricky trying to understand what food groups are causing the symptoms. My youngest child developed a dairy allergy after just 6 months (or so we think, it could have been sometime before […]
Food Allergy vs Intolerance Quiz
Food Allergy vs Intolerance Quiz How well do you know the differences between food allergies and intolerances? Join in our quiz…. Here at Angelic, it’s our mission to make life easier for those living with food allergies and intolerances. I myself suffer from food intolerances and my youngest son suffers from multiple food allergies. Food […]