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Angelic & City Harvest make summer snacking safe for hungry children with food allergies

WITH up to two children in every UK classroom now suffering from a food allergy and numbers rising*, access to safe food options is a daily challenge for those affected – a challenge that is magnified for children living in poverty. Limited access to nourishment, with food allergy risks on top, can have a major impact on the health and wellbeing of these young people. It is estimated that of the 4 million children living in hardship**, nearly 400,000 of them are living with food allergies*** – some of which can be potentially life-threatening.

In response, here at Angelic we have joined forces with food waste charity, City Harvest, to provide 30,000 14-allergen-free snacks to hungry school children over the summer holidays and beyond. The collaboration is part of City Harvest’s Holiday Hunger campaign. Many households who will lose the support of free school meals, childcare, and breakfast clubs over the holidays with the summer of 2023 set to be one of the most difficult on record for those in need.

Free from multiple allergens, including nuts, dairy, soya, eggs, sesame and gluten, children can access Angelic Cookies, Savoury Crackers and NEW Safetylicious Oat Squares through City Harvest and its 375 charity partners across London, which includes LEYF nurseries and community holiday clubs.

We are absolutely delighted to partner with City Harvest on this crucial initiative. Through our work with allergy families and school communities we understand how hard it is for parents and carers to both nourish their children and protect them – especially amid the cost-of-living crisis. Work with fantastic organisations like City Harvest is vital to our mission at Angelic, as a brand and business to support safer snacking for children both in and out of school.”




No. of UK children living in food poverty (1/5 – 0.2) – https://foodfoundation.org.uk
No. of UK children affected by food allergies (1/7 – 0.14) – https://www.allergyuk.org/living-with-an-allergy/at-school/
No. of children in UK under 16 = 12.7M www.ons.gov.uk