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Creating Allergen Free Food - our Story

Allergen Free Food son

I’ll never forget the day I watched my little boy rolling over and over in pain. It was really awful to watch and I felt so helpless. Little did we know, we had an allergen free food future ahead of us.

His little one-year old body was in a lot of pain, and we didn’t understand why. As a Mum, you’ll do anything for your child. No matter what. This was a really challenging time in life and it was really difficult to see him so upset, he was losing weight and was really unhappy due to the pain he was experiencing.

You see, I live with food intolerances myself and automatically just knew which foods to avoid.

Allergen Free Food son

I’ll never forget the day I watched my little boy rolling over and over in pain. It was really awful to watch and I felt so helpless. Little did we know, we had an allergen free food future ahead of us.

His little one-year old body was in a lot of pain, and we didn’t understand why. As a Mum, you’ll do anything for your child. No matter what. This was a really challenging time in life and it was really difficult to see him so upset, he was losing weight and was really unhappy due to the pain he was experiencing.

You see, I live with food intolerances myself and automatically just knew which foods to avoid.

However when your little one can’t communicate, it’s really difficult trying to understand what’s going on. Once we discovered that he had a dairy and soya allergy, life gradually became easier, however there was still the challenge of finding suitable foods for him.

Trying to find allergen free food that was both dairy and soya free was very difficult at the outset. I quickly became aware of how many food products contain either dairy or soya, and really struggled to find suitable dairy free and soya free foods.

The problem is that almost every baked food product comes with a ‘May Contain’ warning, and life can be very stressful catering for an allergic child.

We’ve always been super vigilant. When eating out we always make a point of speaking to the cafe and restaurant team. Not to mention nursery teachers and the nursery cook, and they’ve always been so understanding which is great.

You can spot an allergy mum or dad in any supermarket. They’re usually hunched over the packaging like a hawk scanning their prey intensely. Trying to decide if the food will nurture or harm their loved ones.

The funny thing is that when I was in my early 20s and dreaming about setting up Angelic, it didn’t even occur to me that one day I’d be catering around my son’s allergies.

You can imagine my joy when I suddenly realised I could create delicious allergen free food that would not only help families with one or two members who had allergies, but even families who didn’t have anyone with an allergy but who hosted parties and friends who may have allergies. Plus entire communities and schools!

One of the biggest challenges for many households and institutions is to provide a safe environment that keeps those with food allergies safe.

It’s a matter of duty of care for institutions. They are legally required to make sure people, especially sensitive children, don’t eat the wrong food or have an allergic reaction on their premises.

Allergen Free Food Family

For families, even if they don’t have anyone with an allergy, the problem arises when it comes to friends visiting or birthday parties. Nobody wants a guest to fall ill. Especially a child. They’d feel absolutely awful. And worse, they’d feel incredibly guilty they hadn’t found out enough about all the foodstuffs that can be problematic for their little guests.

That’s where the concept behind Angelic came from. I wanted to build a safe and trusted allergen free food brand that would provide an environment for people with food allergies and intolerances, whether in their own home, visiting friends or in schools and colleges.

Allergen Free Food Family

For families, even if they don’t have anyone with an allergy, the problem arises when it comes to friends visiting or birthday parties. Nobody wants a guest to fall ill. Especially a child. They’d feel absolutely awful. And worse, they’d feel incredibly guilty they hadn’t found out enough about all the foodstuffs that can be problematic for their little guests.

That’s where the concept behind Angelic came from. I wanted to build a safe and trusted allergen free food brand that would provide an environment for people with food allergies and intolerances, whether in their own home, visiting friends or in schools and colleges.

And that’s when my journey with Angelic began. Over 10 years ago, back in 2012. I realised that 7% of children in the U.K. suffer from a food allergy, and there is a great lack of choice in the market for allergy kids.

Having discovered this, we’ve made it our mission to create safe and delicious allergen free food that those children living with food allergies, and their families, can enjoy.

The first products I created were a range of vegan and gluten free chocolate cookies. I started baking in my home kitchen, and then started selling our vegan and gluten free cookies to local shops and cafes.

And the rest, as they say, is history.

It’s been an incredible journey to find the right trusted sources and ethical suppliers, all while maintaining the highest allergen standards, and of course making sure everything we bake is totally delicious. We call that SAFETYLICIOUS!

It’s so worth while for me to be seeing my boy thriving. I know we can’t eradicate all the food risks around him, and other people like him. But we can all try to be more Angelic.

One biscuit at a time!


PS. Have you tried some or all or our range? I’d love to know what’s your favourite? And which flavour do you think we should develop next?

PPS. If you liked this, you will love these:

  1. Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookie Sandwich Ideas
  2. Interesting Facts about Chocolate Chip Cookies
  3. Allergy Free Lunch Ideas